Abstract Information
Abstracts are open
Abstract submission extended.
You can submit your abstract by March 8th, 2024.
All presenters must register for the conference individually. The registration fee must be paid once the Abstract is accepted for presentation, and before the paper/poster can be included in the Program and book of Abstracts. The deadline for receipt of Registration payment is March 31, 2024.
Submitting a paper for oral presentation sessions or poster presentation
The following information is required:
Submission Title
Abstract describing the content (250 words maximum)
Four Keywords
Presenter and Co-Author Information, including affiliation and email address
Submitting a full symposium
A symposium includes at least one chairperson with at least 3 and up to 4 presentations, which may include a discussant (optional; i.e., three presentations and one discussant). The chair (who can also be a presenter) is responsible for submitting a symposium abstract (max. 250 words) and for collecting the abstracts of all the individual presentations (max. 250 words each), which must be submitted together with the symposium abstract. Only the symposium abstract needs four keywords. The duration of each symposium is 90 minutes, including discussion.
The following information is required:
Symposium Title
Abstract describing the symposium (250 words maximum and four keywords)
Symposium Chair name, including affiliation and e-mail address
Presenter names, including affiliation and e-mail address, and a list of co-authors with their respective affiliation and e-mail addresses
Title of each presentation
Abstract of each presentation (250 words maximum)
Discussant’s name and affiliation (optional)
Submitting a workshop or roundtable discussion
The abstract (max. 250 words) for a workshop or roundtable should include a clear explanation of the work that will be accomplished and/or the topic to be discussed. A separate abstract for each member of the presenting or discussion team is not required, but each member's name, affiliation, and email address should be included at the end of the abstract (does not count toward the word limit).
All papers, posters, and symposia MUST be directly relevant to interpersonal acceptance-rejection.
Relevant Topics Include but Are Not Restricted to:
Academic and School issues (See also Teacher acceptance-rejection)
Affectionate communication
Applied research/practice
Biological correlates of perceived acceptance-rejection
Bridging theories
Clinical practice
Cognition/Social Cognition
Corporal punishment
Developmental problems
Emotion regulation
Emotional and psychological abuse and neglect
Family interaction (including parenting styles, marital relationships, etc.)
Family violence (other than child abuse & neglect)
Father love
Gender/Gender differences
Intimate partner acceptance-rejection
Lifespan perspective
Methodological issues
Normal growth and development
Ostracism/Social exclusion
Parental Alienation
Parenting education
Peer and sibling acceptance-rejection
Psychological and behavioral adjustment and maladjustment
Psychological and behavioral control
Rejection sensitivity
Resilience, and Coping with rejection
Sociocultural correlates of acceptance-rejection
Substance abuse
Teacher acceptance-rejection (See also Academic and School issues).