Presentation Guidelines
Guidelines for presenters in symposia and oral presentation sessions:
A time limit of 15 minutes maximum is set for individual paper presentations with a maximum of 5 minutes of discussion following each paper.
To guarantee a smooth flow, we ask you to please adhere strictly to the time schedule.
Session chairs must strictly hold to time limits.
The chairperson is asked to coordinate in advance the session with all presenters.
Presenters are asked to be at the designated conference room 5 minutes prior to the beginning of their session in order to download presentations and discuss final procedures.
Guidelines for presenters in poster sessions:
Presenters are asked to stand near their posters to present during their assigned poster session.
Poster dimensions (in portrait orientation): you can choose between 70Ñ…100 cm or 90Ñ…122 cm.
Because of the size and shape of the easels, we suggest that posters be created in a horizontal format.
Internet and a limited number of laptops will be available during the Congress for use in presentations only.
Volunteers will be available for any information or help you may need.